Hello There!
How are you? Hope you are doing well.
My Name is Ken Halim from Aqualaris Indonesia.
We have some variants of the ornamental tropical freshwater fish, wild betta, shrimps, snails, ornamental crabs of Sulawesi, Indonesia freshwater wild captived fishes and farm breeders. Aquatic plants and indian almond leaves from Indonesia.
Please share with me how I can help you. Looking forward to hearing good news from you.
Thank you. Have a great day.
Best Regards,
Ken Halim
+62 8211 0840 880
Farm breed
Pseudomogil species : Red neon luminatus, Furcata, Getrudae, Ivantsoff, Signiper, Tenellus.
Marosatherina ladigesi, Iriatherina werneri.
Rainbow fish : Bosemani, Lacutris blue, Kurumoi, Peacok
Killifish : Clown rocket, Golden panchax, Gardneri, Guentheri
Badis : Scarlet badis, Blue badis
Betta, Wild betta, Gupies, Molly, Gourami, Corydoras, Pleco, Cichlid all you need, name it. I will supply to you with the support of hundreds of fish farmers and fishermen I am ready to serve your needs.
Monitor and follow our store to get the latest stock of the newest fish and plants.